We live in a very easy to offend society and simultaniously very offensive society. There are people using terms to describe unpleasant or distasteful things with a derogatory statement of "That's gay" or "that's retarded" or "She's just so... black" [quote "Baby Got Back, courtesy Sir Mix-A-Lot.]
To help people in this troubling time, I have included improper uses of these words as examples of situations to avoid; and proper uses ofthese words as examples to emulate.
Improper use,
"I stayed in last night and watched a movie with my girlfriend."
"That's gay."
Proper use,
"I forgot about guy night because I was fondling my boyfriend."
"That's gay."
Improper use,
"I prepared a gourmet salad with fresh organic ingredients!"
"That's gay"
Proper use,
"I had sex with that cucumber and pretended it was Niel Patrick Harris."
"That's gay."
Improper use,
"For the upcoming fiscal year I will invest money in cigarettes. Either this generation dies young but I become wildly successful, or this generation lives a long and healthy life and I make a trivial amount of money."
"You're retarded."
Proper use,
"Guhhh.... My fingers smell like money which is impopable because mom doesn't let me eat money anymore."
"You're retarded."
Improper use, "I spent all day hustlin! I'm covered in chains and ice!"
"You're so black."
Proper use, "I spent all day working in a coal mine. I'm covered in carbon deposits!"
"You're so black!"

Improper use,
"Ouch! I just hurt my back lifting this bag!"
"You're such a woman."
Proper use,
"Ouch! I just hurt my back lifting my massive breasts!"
"You're such a woman."
Improper use,
"Long hair makes me feel attractive."
"You're such a woman."
Proper use,
"Long hair draws attention to my estrogen laden features and emphasizes a soft feminine quality to my countenance."
"You're such a woman."

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