Currently, however, any number of horses you acquire cannot possibly match the switfness of your 21st century automobile. Imagine if you will, a vehicle that boasts of it's 200 mile per hour top speed, and imagine the 400 horsepower literally.
The power of 400 horses would certainly not be able to carry you at this speed. Should your vehicle reach this speed, you would have 400 dead horses dragging behind you. And with that sort of (literal) dead weight, you likely would not be reaching speeds of 200 miles per hour. In my experience, anything more than 5 dead horses is a pretty efficient anchor.
It is with this information in mind that I suggest the typical measurement of "horsepower" be replaced with a new unit of "rocket power" or "robot power". We are living in the 21st century after all, why shouldn't we drive vehicles with engine strengths that truly describe our advancement in the mechanical field.

Besides, imagine how much easier it will be when you pick up your date while mentioning your 300
rocketpower engine. Romantic outings or not, I'm sure I would scream this information from my car window at stop lights. No one could stop me or my 300 rocketpower engine...
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