I called him a sissy with the assumption that he would laugh at the accusation as confidently as the other men laughed at the jabs directed towards them. Instead he got very huffy, voiced that someone should stop me, and stormed off to give us all the quiet treatment.
My twin, Dame, pointed out, "You cannot go be a sissy in response to being called a sissy. That is not how you prove them wrong. That would be like telling a fellow he has a bad temper and he replies "No I don't!" as he punches you."
Coincidentally, he punched my twin the next day when she failed to notice he was making angry eyes at her.
Plans to write the song "Sissy, The Woman Beater" have not yet been made. In fact, quite the opposite, I've been asked not to write any more songs about Sissy. Actually, I've been asked not to call him a sissy.
.... sissy.
[They will never keep me down.]
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